Not a full stop. Just…..a stop.

A long day.

Sitting in the same place.

Happens to everyone.


That is why we feel hungry. So that we can get up and eat. ( Loo breaks, Of Course!!!).

To give us those breaks. That points in our life- stops as Ayn Rand calls it, which we remember and give us the strength to bear the rest of our lives.

Those small moments which we live for.

A year is longer so instead of lunch breaks you have birthdays and parties and festivals. Days which make the rest of the year worthwhile.


Why work is important is because it makes you enjoy that break even more when you have been wanting it desperately.

Like water tastes better after a run in the park or food satiates not only hunger after a long of work.


That is why we have to learn to work hard. To enjoy the moments when we are not working.

Nobody likes monotony. Do we?


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